Marcos Barreto

Marcos Ennes Barreto

What I do:

  • Associate Professor of Data Science (Education) - Department of Statistics
    London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE).
  • Instructor - Futures - Health Data Research (HDR UK)
  • Teaching:
    • Undergraduate level: Databases (current).
    • Postgraduate level: Distributed Computing for Big Data (current), Deep Learning (past), Artificial Intelligence (past).
    • Professional Development: Distributed Computing for Health Data (upcoming).
  • Research:
  • Service:

Past activities:

  • Some of my professional activities before joining LSE in December 2020 can be found here


  • Artificial Intelligence (AI)
  • Generative AI in Education
  • Big Data Linkage & Analytics
  • Applied Data Science
  • High-Performance Computing


  • PG Certificate in Higher Education, 2020-2021

    Fellow of the UK Higher Education Academy (FHEA)

    London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE)

  • PG Certificate in Health Data Science, 2017-2018

    Newton International Fellow (The Royal Society, UK)

    University College London (UCL)

  • PhD in Computer Science, 2010

    Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS)

  • MSc in Computer Science, 2000

    Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS)

  • BSc in Informatics, 1997

    Lutheran University of Brazil (ULBRA)




Health Data Research (HDR UK)

Oct. 2023 - current London, UK

Associate Professor (Education)

London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE)

Dec. 2020 - current London, UK

Associate Researcher

Institute of Health Informatics, University College London

Nov. 2016 – Nov. 2018 London, UK
Post-doctoral researcher (Newton International Fellowships - The Royal Society - UK).
Addressing heterogeneity and uncertainty in big data linkage. Prof. Spiros Denaxas (supervisor).

Associate Researcher

Centre of Data and Knowledge Integration for Health (CIDACS / FIOCRUZ Bahia)

Nov. 2016 - current Salvador, Brazil

Associate Professor

Federal University of Bahia (UFBA)

Aug. 2010 – Dec. 2020 Salvador, Brazil

Assistant Professor

La Salle University

Mar. 1998 – Apr. 2010 Canoas, Brazil

Assistant Professor

Lutheran University

Mar. 1998 – Oct. 2000 Canoas, Brazil



GENIAL - GENerative AI Tools as a Catalyst for Learning

LSE Eden Centre - Scholarship of Teaching and Learning/Catalyst Fund

Alert-early system of outbreaks with pandemic potential

CIDACS/FIOCRUZ & Pandemic Prevention Institute (The Rockefeller Foundation )

AI as a service for tackling COVID-19 in Brazil

Google AI for Social Good

Design and validation of personalised risk prediction models over Brazilian health care data

The Royal Society (UK) - Newton International Fellowship Follow-on Funding

Standardisation of wearable-based algorithms for healthcare applications in developing countries

Royal Academy of Engineering (UK) - Frontiers of Engineering - Seed Funding

IMAPI - Early Childhood Friendly Municipal Index

Gates Foundation - Grand Challenges Brazil: Data Science Approaches

The 100 million Brazilian linked data and datacentre

Wellcome Trust - Biomedical Resources Grant

Treating heterogeneity and uncertainty in data integration: case study on Brazilian databases

The Royal Society (UK) - Newton International Fellowships

Integrating socioeconomic and health data to combat malaria

Gates Foundation - Grand Challenges Explorations

Design of a scientific repository (data lake) for big data applications

FAPESB - Bahia State Research Agency

BAMBU - Metropolitan network for trial and innovation on future internet

FAPESB - Bahia State Research Agency

Computational infrastructure to support big data applications in Health

UFBA - Early Doctor Research Grant

JiT-Clouds: Highly scalable Infrastructure-as-a-Service

Brazilian Ministry of Sciences, Technology and Innovation

GT-MC2: My sCientific Cloud

Brazilian Ministry of Sciences, Technology and Innovation

GT-UniT: Monitoring the BitTorrent universe

Brazilian Ministry of Sciences, Technology and Innovation

PMM: Modular multimedia platform

Brazilian Ministry of Sciences, Technology and Innovation

DECK: Parallel programming applied to cluster computing

UFRGS - CAPES MSc Fellowship

DPC++: Distributed processing in C++

UFRGS - CNPq Research Fellowship

ArMA-GAPP: Study and application of vector architectures

UFRGS - CNPq Research Fellowship


  • London School of Economics and Political Science, Houghton St., London, WC2A 2AE
  • Department of Statistics, Columbia House – Office 8.10