Global Approaches to Generative AI in Higher Education
Women Corporate Directors (WCD)
Dr. Marcos Barreto (LSE) - 27 February 2025
Boosting citizen data scientists with generative AI: potential, limitations, and pathways
WCD London Chapter , London, UK (slides )
Teaching and Learning Conference 2024
Dr. Jonathan Cardoso-Silva (LSE - on behalf of GENIAL team) - 3 July 2024
Navigating generative AI in higher education: insides from the GENIAL project
AdvanceHE , Nottingham, UK
AI and Data Science in Public Policy
Dr. Marcos Barreto (LSE), Dr. Francesca Panero (LSE), Dr. Dorottya Sallai (LSE) - 8 May 2024
Generative AI in education: catalyst or constraint? Insights from GENIAL to inform Higher Education policy (slides )
LSE School of Public Policy - Beveridge 2.0 AI and Data Science for Public Policy - LSE, London, UK
Using AI Chatbots for Learning
Dr. Marcos Barreto (LSE), Dr. Jonathan Cardoso-Silva (LSE), Dr. Francesca Panero (LSE) - 27 February 2024
LSE Data Science Institute - GENIAL Open Lecture - LSE, London, UK
The GENIAL project - how can generative AI tools act as a catalyst for learning?
Dr. Marcos Barreto (LSE), Dr. Jonathan Cardoso-Silva (LSE) - 12 December 2023
LSE Data Science Institute - Research Showcase 2023 - LSE, London, UK
AI coding... and the GENIAL experience so far...
Dr. Marcos Barreto (LSE) - 2 November 2023
AI in Education on Campus : panel with Dr Caitlin Bentley (King’s College London) and Prof Fabio Arico (University of East Anglia)
LSE Eden Centre Talking Teaching series - LSE, London, UK
Data science and artificial intelligence
Dr. Marcos Barreto (LSE) - 1 November 2023
Career Talk, Year 10-13 students
Bishop Douglass Catholic School - London, UK (slides )
Ciência de Dados
Dr. Marcos Barreto (LSE) - 22 May 2023
14o TELECOMPTEC - La Salle University (Canoas, Brazil)
Why study Data Science at LSE?
Abordagens inovadoras para entender a Covid-19 no Brasil
Dr. Marcos Barreto (LSE) - 16 December 2021
Google AI for Social Good research project
CIDACS webinar (Brazil)
Efforts and developments on record linkage over massive databases: methods, tools and case studies
Prof. Marcos Barreto (LSE/CIDACS) - 10 November 2021
PHRN Tech Talk (Australia)
Potential use of computational models and tools in the context of the AESOP system
Prof. Marcos Barreto (LSE/CIDACS) - 2 September 2021
AESOP webinar (Brazil)
Estudo de possíveis aplicações de transferência de aprendizagem em Saúde
MSc student Andréa Jesus dos Santos (UFBA/PGCOMP) - 10-11 November 2020
SERPRO Tech Days 2020 (Recife, Brazil)
A importância da inteligência artificial no combate à pandemia da Covid-19 e da desinformação
Data linkage models and tools applied to massive Brazilian governmental databases
Thematic panel: Data Processing and Integration & Knowledge Representation - 22 October 2020
Gates Foundation KiGC MNCH Data Science Community Meeting
A utilização da inteligência artificial e tomada de decisões sobre a pandemia no Brasil
UFBA e FIOCRUZ Bahia desenvolvem projeto para uso de inteligência artificial no combate à Covid-19
Prof. Marcos Barreto interviewed by Murilo Guerra - 18 September 2020
EdgarDigital UFBA (Salvador, Brazil)
Projeto IMAPI - Índice Município Amigo da Primeira Infância
IMAPI - Early Childhood Development Friendly Index
+Lugar COVID-19: um projeto interdisciplinar em saúde para promover a participação e o engajamento popular no enfrentamento do coronavírus
Prof. Marcos Barreto, Profa. Isa Neves, Ricardo Lustosa, João Pereira, Alvaro Moraes, Rodrigo Oliveira, Fabiana Palma, Murilo Arouca - 25 May 2020
Congresso Virtual da UFBA 2020 (Salvador, Brazil)
Do número real de mortes ao avanço dos casos na periferia: veja 4 indicadores que o Brasil não tem sobre a pandemia de coronavírus
Prof. Marcos Barreto and Associate Researcher Ricardo Lustosa interviewed by Lara Pinheiro - 15 May 2020
G1 - Bem Estar
Projeto +Lugar COVID-19: plataforma para o enfrentamento do coronavírus
Associate Researcher Ricardo Lustosa interviewed by Márcio Alvarenga - 6 May 2020
Programa Trocando em Miúdos (MP3 )
Big data linkage & analytics
Prof. Marcos Barreto (UFBA/CIDACS) - 10-12 March 2020
British Academy/CONFAP Newton Fund Workshop (Brasília, Brazil) (Slides )
Educação em Ciência de Dados
Placing AI at the service of public health: the key role of data management and linkage
Speaker: Dr. Sabina Leonelli (University of Exeter, UK). Panel discussion along with Prof. Marcos Barreto (UFBA/CIDACS), Dr. Gustavo da Matta (ENSP/FIOCRUZ)
and Dr. Giovanni Rolla (School of Philosophy/UFBA) - 6 December 2019
CIDACS 3rd Anniversary Celebration (Salvador, Brazil) (recording )
Data linkage and analytics efforts over Brazilian governmental databases
Data linkage and analytics efforts over Brazilian governmental databases
Como construir e validar modelos preditivos
Prof. Marcos Barreto (UFBA/CIDACS) - 3 May 2019
Seminário: Metodologias para a Utilização de Grandes Volumes de Dados na Pesquisa (Salvador, Brazil) (Slides )
Ciência de dados e sua aplicação em saúde
Prof. Marcos Barreto (UFBA/CIDACS) - 05 April 2019
Universidade La Salle (Canoas, Brazil) (Slides )
Understanding and predicting malaria epidemics
What tools and methods do we need to enable secondary use of routine data?
Methods and approaches to data visualisation
Prof. Marcos Barreto (UFBA/CIDACS) - 25 May 2018
FIOCRUZ Bahia (Salvador, Brazil)
AtyImo - primeiro algoritmo brasileiro exclusivamente voltado para a integração de grandes volumes de dados
Prof. Marcos Barreto (UFBA/CIDACS) - 20 April 2018
CIDACS' blog
Data linkage and analytics efforts applied to Brazilian governmental databases
Prof. Marcos Barreto (UFBA/CIDACS) - 12 December 2017
Institute of Health Informatics / UCL (London, UK)
Methods and tools for data linkage and analytics: case study on Brazilian socioeconomic and public health care databases
Prof. Marcos Barreto (UFBA/CIDACS) - 10-13 September 2017
Smart Technologies for fighting Zika-Virus Epidemics (STfVE 2017) (Recife, Brazil)
Large-scale data fusion of Brazilian socioeconomic and public health databases
Prof. Marcos Barreto (UFBA/CIDACS) - 31 May 2017
The Royal Society Research Fellows' Conference 2017 (London, UK) (Slides )
Design and evaluation of probabilistic record linkage methods supporting the Brazilian 100-million cohort initiative
Prof. Marcos Barreto (UFBA) - 24-26 August 2016
International Population Data Linkage Network Conference (IPDLN 2016 ) (Swansea, UK)
Treating heterogeneity and uncertainty in data integration: study on Brazilian healthcare databases
Prof. Marcos Barreto (UFBA) - 24-26 August 2016
International Population Data Linkage Network Conference (IPDLN 2016 ) (Swansea, UK)
Supporting big data in Health and Bioinformatics through hybrid parallel architectures and distributed execution engines
Prof. Marcos Barreto (UFBA) - 25-26 April 2016
Workshop Data Bahia - UFBA, FIOCRUZ, Sorbonne Universités (Salvador, Brazil) (Slides )
Probabilistic record linkage of Brazil's public healthcare data: case study on a cohort of 103 million records
Prof. Marcos Barreto (UFBA)
Farr Institute of Health Informatics Research - 8 May 2015 (London, UK)
London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine - 11 May 2015 (London, UK) (Slides )
Farr Health eResearch Centre (HeRC) - 12 May 2015 (Manchester, UK)
Infraestrutura computacional para suporte de aplicações de big data na área da Saúde
Prof. Marcos Barreto (UFBA) - 10 December 2013
Big (and not so big) data in Health Bahia 2013 (Salvador, Brazil) (Slides )
Infraestrutura computacional para suporte e avaliação dos efeitos dos Programas Sociais com base em coorte populacional referenciada no Cadastro Único
Prof. Marcos Barreto (UFBA) - 25 October 2013
1st Symposium on Big Data and Public Health (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
Padrões de programação paralela aplicados às arquiteturas híbridas
Prof. Marcos Barreto (UFBA) - 22 March 2013
13a Escola Regional de Alto Desempenho (ERAD-RS) (Porto Alegre, Brazil) (Slides )